For example: looking for a city ripe with magic? Have the teens grow up in Providence, Rhode Island. Need a town where werewolves might thrive? Maine is ready and brimming with potential. While I enjoy reading stories set in far-off cities, there’s something so satisfying about seeing the East Coast represented in YA. From anguished contemporary books about first love, to heavy stories threaded with magical realism, I have rounded up eight new and upcoming YA titles that take place in New England. Can’t get enough of new YA recommendations? Check out eight recent diverse YA mysteries! Want to know how I really feel about books set in my own New England state? Read about three things that happen when I read books based in my home state of Rhode Island.

2022 YA Books Set in New England - 562022 YA Books Set in New England - 632022 YA Books Set in New England - 462022 YA Books Set in New England - 832022 YA Books Set in New England - 762022 YA Books Set in New England - 382022 YA Books Set in New England - 722022 YA Books Set in New England - 39