Christmas at Holiday House is a heartwarming story about young mother searching for an unforgettable Christmas for her son. Manga is filled with winter landscapes and stories set during the colder seasons. Read enough series and you will eventually see your favorite characters trapped in a snowstorm and having to brave the elements. Even if your preferred genre of choice is contemporary slice-of-life, you will probably recognize the annual shrine visit where Japanese people literally ring in the new year and hope for good fortune. But in winter-themed manga, the chilly temperatures play a bigger role. It also doesn’t hurt that manga depictions of winter can be very beautiful. And if it turns out you’re missing summer and want to forget that winter exists, maybe you’ll find something more suited to your tastes on this list of best manga.

5 of the Best Winter Themed Manga for the Season - 345 of the Best Winter Themed Manga for the Season - 605 of the Best Winter Themed Manga for the Season - 245 of the Best Winter Themed Manga for the Season - 825 of the Best Winter Themed Manga for the Season - 425 of the Best Winter Themed Manga for the Season - 525 of the Best Winter Themed Manga for the Season - 49