If you want more information on the Enneagram of Personality which has a long and muddy history, I recommend starting with Wikipedia’s summary. There are a ton of resources out there for understanding Enneagram as a whole and your own type (as well as a million excellent memes and other graphics on Instagram that will remind you of the “I’m in this photo and I don’t like it” meme), so be aware there’s a big old rabbit hole waiting for you to fall down if you haven’t already. My apologies to your productivity in advance. The Jane Austen Enneagram fandom salutes you and welcomes you to the fold. If you are a fan of Jane Austen and interested in Enneagram, you’ve come to the right place. So, what’s your Jane Austen Enneagram match? Tell us your Enneagram number below and find out which Jane Austen heroine is the same type.
Jane Austen Enneagram Quiz
Find more on bookish Enneagram types here and get your Jane Austen fill here.