“My bibliotherapist was Germaine Leece, an ex-book editor and current specialist counsellor at Sydney Women’s Counselling Centre. She’s the bibliotherapist for the School of Life in Sydney and describes her role as ‘a perfect marriage of her two careers. To Germaine, ‘bibliotherapy is reading for emotional support,’ and not necessarily for intellectual and critical reading. She explained that, ‘we all practice bibliotherapy subconsciously, but these sessions makes choosing books a conscious decision for people.’” B ooks as therapy ♥️. Will henceforth refer to any book shopping trips as “running out to fill my prescription.” “’We wanted to go big on it so that people paid attention,’ said Canadian novelist Susan Swan, who, after looking into the research about how female writers compared with male ones when it came to literary prizes and coverage, teamed up with Janice Zawerbny and an anonymous corporate donor to establish the Carol Shields Prize for Fiction.” Oh I’m paying attention! “’This is an enormous universe, and there’s so much more opportunity to explore the intricacies of empire and the realities of war when you treat the space magic as dessert instead of as main course. My inner kid who made lightsabers with markers and wrapping paper tubes is throwing a fit at this, but honestly, as an adult, I’m so much more captivated by the characters who have nothing more than a good blaster at their side. Give me more Finns and Cara Dunes. Show me the nitty-gritty personal consequences of all those exploding planets and space stations. That’s the kind of mess I’m interested in.’” Some musings on the future of Star Wars.

When Life Gets Heavy  Get a Prescription for Books  Critical Linking  February 9  2019 - 65